MSI GTX 780 Gaming

titleOur first introduction to the new 700 series of cards from Nvidia was impressive and I can say without a doubt that I have enjoyed our time with it through the review and beyond. I was especially impressed with the stock cooler aesthetically, but the performance wasn’t too bad as well. Of course that can be improved on and I finally have a chance to see that now with our latest card to come in, MSI’s GTX 780 Gaming or the N780 Twin Frozr 3GB Overclocked. Every time I have had a Twin Frozr card on the test bench I have been impressed, I wonder if this will be the same. Of course I am going to put it through our test suite to find out.

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Gigabyte GTX 760 OC Windforce

titleSo up until now we have taken a look at the stock GTX 760 with its single fan, the EVGA GTX 760 with its dual fans, that really only leaves one logical option right? Today I’m going to take a look at the GTX 760 from Gigabyte with their Windforce cooler that packs in a whopping 3 fans. The card is also overclocked a little more than the previous card as well. I’m expecting good performance and I’m very curious about how well Gigabytes Windforce cooling will do because this is our first chance to check out a card with it.

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EVGA GTX 760 Superclocked w/ACX

titleNow that we have taken a look at the GTX 760 from Nvidia, which of course means it is time to see what some of the other manufactures have done with their GTX 760 designs. First up is a look at a card from EVGA called the GTX 760 Superclocked w/ACX. Some of you might remember the GTX 770 ACX that we recently took a look at, this is very similar. Hopefully the performance that we saw with the GTX 770 ACX will be similar to the GTX 760 ACX; if that is the case we should be very happy with the card. Of course there is only one way to find out, read on to see.

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Nvidia GTX 760

titleJust this past week I was away on vacation, I came back to a stack of boxes with most of them being video cards. This time, most of them are a new model from Nvidia. Just like with other big launches, the Nvidia GTX 780 was quickly followed up by the GTX 770. To continue filling in gaps in their product line that the GTX 780 launch created Nvidia is launching the GTX 760 that will replace the GTX 660 Ti. Today we are going to take a look at the new GTX 760 and see what it is all about as well as seeing what it is capable in our test suite. The GTX 780 and GTX 770’s were both impressive, I am very curious to see what they will be following them up with.

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GTX 770 SLI Results

titleYesterday we introduced the GTX 770 and went into detail on what it was all about. We then put both our reference card and the EVGA GTX 770 ACX to the test. I’m sure you guys could guess what I did next right? If I didn’t hook the cards up together in SLI I would have turn in my enthusiast card. I have compiled our results and put them together in this post for everyone to check out. Enjoy!

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titleThis morning we introduced you to Nvidia’s latest video card, the GTX 770. Not to spoil to much from the review, (because you really should take a look at it) but not only was I impressed with its performance, I was blown away at the overclock I was able to get on it while running the stock cooler. The fine folks over at EVGA are introducing a few variations on the GTX 770 as well, one of them being their new Active Cooling Xtreme or ACX for short model. We just happened to get our hands on it and I’m going to put it through its paces. We know what the GTX 770 with a reference cooler, but what is it capable of with a little more cooling.

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Nvidia GTX 770

titleLast week we took a look at the Nvidia GTX 780, their first card in the 700 series of cards. Surprisingly I am sitting here a week later already telling you about their next card: the GTX 770. Is the combination of the GTX 780 and GTX 770 a one-two punch or a hit and a miss? Well in order to find out we had to put it through our benchmark suite to see what it was capable of. I enjoyed the GTX 780; I hope they are able to keep it up with the GTX 770.

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Nvidia GTX 780

titleIt almost feels like we have been seeing the 600 series of cards from Nvidia for a few years now. At a year and two months we are a little past due to see a new generation of cards and today we can finally take the wraps off of NVidia’s latest card, the GTX 780. Rumors have been going around for a while on this launch so let’s just jump right into it and see what it’s all about and then how it performs. One thing is for sure, this will be the start of a lot of exciting cards, and 2013 is going to be a good year!

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Diamond HD 7790 1GB

titleI hope everyone had a great weekend. Last week we put a couple different video cards to the test including a few HD 7790’s and we were impressed with their performance. Today we are going to take a look at another but this time around from Diamond Multimedia. This is their HD 7790 1GB Overclocked model with a non-reference cooling design as well. It looks nothing like the others that we tested previously and it should be another interesting look at AMD’s latest video card.

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Gigabyte HD 7790 1GB OC

titleYesterday we took a look at the R7790 from XFX and I was impressed by the HD 7790’s performance. We have a second HD 7790 in hand but this time from Gigabyte. With this being an overclocked card as well with its own unique cooling I am curious how they compare against each other as well as how the Gigabyte HD 7790 1Gb OC holds up against a collection of other cards in our new up to date benchmark test suite.

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XFX R7790 Black Edition OC

titleThe AMD product lineup had a small hole in it for a long time between the HD 7770 and the HD 7850. We heard a few rumors about the possibility of an HD 7790 or an HD 7830 and just after LanOC V12 AMD launched their answer the HD 7790. We are a little late to the party, but we have had time to put ours to the test with our revamped benchmark suit that features the latest games. Let’s take a look at how it performs compared to AMD’s other offerings as well as NVidia’s new GTX 650 Ti Boost. Is this a good time to pick up a new video card?

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Diamond BizView 750

titleWhen it comes to options for upgrading some of today’s small PC’s from manufactures like Dell to be able to handle even the most basic games can sometimes be difficult. It’s one thing if your pc supports a full height video card, but if you need half height the options are limited. That problem is multiplied when you also have to consider how much power the power supply has, generally PC’s like this don’t have 6 pin connections free and sometimes not even Molex plugs. That is where products like the Diamond BizView 750 come in. The BizView is focused on business use, but with it being an HD 7750 it could also be perfect for light gaming as well.

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GTX 650 Ti Boost SLI

titleYesterday I took a look at the MSI GTX 650 Ti Boost Twin Frozr 2Gb OC Edition, although I teased about its extremely long name I was impressed with the card overall. Being the second GTX 650 Ti Boost that we took a look at, I of course couldn’t resist pairing it up with the reference card as well for a little SLI testing. As with our other SLI and crossfire posts we don’t mess around talking about the cards at all. You can check out the individual reviews for that. We jump right into the performance results and give you what you want to see. Enjoy!

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MSI GTX 650 Ti Boost Twin Frozr 2Gb OC Edition

titleI recently took a look at the reference design of the GTX 650 Ti Boost. Not only did it have a long name, it also had an impressive amount of performance. When MSI asked if we wanted to take a look at one of their non-reference designs I jumped all over it. I was especially impressed with the performance of their Twin Frozr design last time I had the chance to check it out, because of that I have high hopes with this one as well. The only downside of course is that it did make the long name longer, today we will take a look at the MSI GTX 650 Ti Boost Twin Frozr 2Gb OC Edition.

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Nvidia GTX 650 Ti Boost 2GB

titleJust a few days over one year ago today Nvidia launched their First Kepler card, the GTX 680. If you asked me then if I would be covering a new Kepler based card (other than a GK110 based card) I doubt I would have believed you. With AMD introducing their HD 7790 this weekend that filled in a gap in their product lineup Nvidia had a response right away with their GTX 650 Ti Boost. The GTX 650 Ti Boost falls between the GTX 650 Ti and the GTX 660, right in the middle of their “Sweet Spot” cards. These are cards that should play any game on the market at 1080p and a price point that most can afford. Let’s look a little closer and see what it is all about.

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PowerColor PCS+ HD7870 GHz Edition 2GB GDDR5

titleGenerally when it comes to video card reviews, I only get a chance to check out cards when they launch. The rest of the year things are slow and I don’t get the chance to revisit cards as the drivers improve and companies introduce various other designs. Today is an exception to that with a card from PowerColor, their PCS+ HD7870. If you haven’t been paying attention to the market, PowerColor has been changing things up considerably with cards like their Devil 13. I’m excited to see what they have been up to on their other cards as well.

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Asus GTX 650 Ti DirectCU II TOP

titleIf you are an avid reader, you have most likely seen countless Asus motherboard reviews and even a few audio products as well recently. Something that is a little rarer is having an Asus video card come through our office. When Asus contacted me asking if we wanted to take a look at their upcoming GTX 650 Ti DirectCU II TOP, there wasn’t even a hesitation. We have already taken a look at the reference GTX 650 Ti; this card on the other hand is nothing like it. Sure you have the same architecture, as you would expect. But the DirectCU II TOP is almost twice as long, has twice the cooling, and has a considerably different PCB even. It’s no off the shelf reference design, today we are going to dig in and see what all of that means for you when looking to buy a GTX 650 Ti.

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Nvidia GTX 650 Ti

titleToday, around six and a half months after the launch of the first Kepler-based GPU from Nvidia, we have the final piece to the 600 series product line. Just under a month ago we took a look at the GTX 660, and a month before that the GTX 660 Ti. Along with the GTX 660, Nvidia introduced the GTX 650. With the focus being on the GTX 660, there were only a few reviews of the GTX 650 to be found. Today we are going to take a look at the card that fits right in between the GTX 660 and the GTX 650, the GTX 650 Ti. With a price point just between the $109 of the GTX 650 and the $229 of the GTX 660, Nvidia is hoping to bring in people looking for decent performance that don’t have it in their budget to throw down over $200 for a single component.  Let’s take a closer look.

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Nvidia GTX 660 SLI performance

titleYesterday I had the chance to publish my reviews and testing results from two different GTX 660’s one a reference designed card with and overclock from EVGA and the second another overclocked card with a unique thermal solution from MSI. Assuming you took a look at both reviews I’m sure you are very curious if I paired them up and did testing.. Of course I did! I put them through the same collection of tests that I tested the individual cards with.  Today we are going to take a quick look at the results and see what just under $460 in GTX 660’s will get you.

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MSI GTX 660 Twin Frozr 2GB OC


titleAs you guys may have noticed, today Nvidia introduced their GTX 660 and GTX 650 cards. We put an overclocked reference design to the test. Now it’s time to take a look at what MSI has to offer. Our last video card review from MSI had an interesting dual fan design that we had never seen before. This time around we are taking a look at the GTX 660 Twin Frozr 2GB OC edition. That may be a lot to say, but if our last experience with an MSI card is any indication this could be an interesting model to keep an eye out for. Let’s take a look at what MSI has done different from the base reference design.

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