Where can we improve

06 Sep 2012 03:45 #27858 by garfi3ld
Beyond the two obvious things (the AC breaking and more internet/network issues this time around) what would you guys like to see us change or add to our event.

I for one would like to see the return of outside activity's and I would like to see more pro games and or video game movies being streamed on one of our projectors.

Also remember this is a place to help us improve, not just a place to complain.


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06 Sep 2012 03:53 #27859 by Dreyvas
Replied by Dreyvas on topic Where can we improve
I would suggest more utilization of the LanOC @ LAN Steam group to help people coordinate games. Make this happen through regular giveaways and special events announced only in the Steam group chat room during the LAN. :)
The following user(s) said Thank You: garfi3ld, Twodavez

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06 Sep 2012 04:40 #27861 by Twodavez
Replied by Twodavez on topic Where can we improve
I did just fine without the dodge ball, especially since it required alot of chasing the balls and moving cars, not to mention the jumping over the parking lot things...

now the mouse toss, YEAH BUDDY!!!!!

Why not do something thought involving. like a Duct tape war or something. give us two rolls of duct tape and tell us to build something. Could be fun!

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

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06 Sep 2012 04:42 #27862 by CrazyBillyBob
Replied by CrazyBillyBob on topic Where can we improve
One Place to look for what's going on! (someone told me once that was alps...not sure anymore)
I've gotta watch the forums, Alps, Steam, Listen to announcements, listen to mumble and try to game.... Information Overload!!!
At one point during V11.0 I just gave up on everything else and focused on the Supreme Commander2 game I was in (coming back for the win by the way!) and won a raffle prize.... To be honest I didn't know what I won, or that there was a raffle going on.....I heard my name (not sure how) and started screaming (YES, something new and different for me :) )

I love free Stuff, but I love to game...too!

I'm on board with the more "GEEK Friendly" movies. If you need some to run next Time I can take care of that. My collection of DVD's are vast (yes I have the discs!)

One thing that I want to commend you (the LAN OC Staff) on is the Case Mod Show OFF Contest!
You have found a system that balances the public voting aspect of a contest with a panel of judges/criteria based contest. It was well done, on time and in a timely fashion! Great Job!


NOTE: if I'm picking out things like posted above...your doing a good job ;)
Because in all honesty the AC and the internet were not as big of issues as they could have been. Your team did a bang up job sorting it all out and minimizing the impact they had on all of us.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dreyvas, Davey_Boy

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07 Sep 2012 16:14 #27884 by Twodavez
Replied by Twodavez on topic Where can we improve

CrazyBillyBob wrote: I'm on board with the more "GEEK Friendly" movies. If you need some to run next Time I can take care of that. My collection of DVD's are vast (yes I have the discs!)

Was there a movie shown at v11? i really couldn't see the projector by the raffle tables, so i'm not sure what was on that most of the time. Would it be possible to point that at the outside wall so the rest of the LAN could see it, insead of just the end of the table by the raffle table?
It would also be another screen to display information, and you could put the raffle countdown on it for people's reference...

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain

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08 Sep 2012 00:43 #27895 by Cyphis
Replied by Cyphis on topic Where can we improve
I think you should get a round of Dance Dance Revolution going and anyone that wants to win a raffle prize has to do it!!! :woohoo:

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08 Sep 2012 00:44 #27896 by Cyphis
Replied by Cyphis on topic Where can we improve
Oh, and not have the LAN on a holiday weekend. :)

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08 Sep 2012 00:57 #27898 by garfi3ld
Replied by garfi3ld on topic Where can we improve

Twodavez wrote:

CrazyBillyBob wrote: I'm on board with the more "GEEK Friendly" movies. If you need some to run next Time I can take care of that. My collection of DVD's are vast (yes I have the discs!)

Was there a movie shown at v11? i really couldn't see the projector by the raffle tables, so i'm not sure what was on that most of the time. Would it be possible to point that at the outside wall so the rest of the LAN could see it, insead of just the end of the table by the raffle table?
It would also be another screen to display information, and you could put the raffle countdown on it for people's reference...

The outside wall has the lighting on it as well as the equipment for the theatre group in the way. We use the inside wall because its the only smooth wall. It also allows us to steam tournaments that don't have delays for streaming without the room being able to see it. It also gives us an area for people to sit at without blocking aisles as well. We didn't play movies, movies was something I put in the original post in here that I hope to improve on. :)

Also Cyphis, don't worry I'm not planning on it again ;)


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08 Sep 2012 01:17 #27900 by Arxon
Replied by Arxon on topic Where can we improve

Cyphis wrote: Oh, and not have the LAN on a holiday weekend. :)

There was good things and bad things to this. Good as in we got people who normally wouldn't go because of work and what not. But bad for the fact people had family things planned. All in all awesome lan.

My only gripe is during tourney play that is 1v1 that they can not get help from outside parties because it turns into a team vs. 1. I seen it during Worms where one guy had 6 people helping and strategizing with him.

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08 Sep 2012 02:31 #27901 by renegade
Replied by renegade on topic Where can we improve
If your talking about the 1 v 1 on worms both people at 5-6 people around them watching etc. That is a hard thing to keep people from watching, making comments unless you tell them they cant at all then it sucks as they cant watch the match.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dreyvas, Plague

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08 Sep 2012 05:59 #27902 by Arxon
Replied by Arxon on topic Where can we improve
I know. Like I said was just a gripe I know nothing can be done about.

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08 Sep 2012 06:02 #27903 by Twodavez
Replied by Twodavez on topic Where can we improve

renegade wrote: If your talking about the 1 v 1 on worms both people at 5-6 people around them watching etc. That is a hard thing to keep people from watching, making comments unless you tell them they cant at all then it sucks as they cant watch the match.

Unless you've got it on the projector, yeah, it's hard to watch those matches... I do see the point of the people helping though. With it being a strategy game, having people help you does give you an advantage. Most games we tourney are faster paced and having a crowed around you really doesn't help as they can't give you input fast enough to give you an advantage.

Not sure how to combat this besides asking people to not get help, if you're caught asking for help, then you're out, but you can't help people walking by saying "use the holy hand grenade". There should just be some honor amongst gamers.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain
The following user(s) said Thank You: Arxon

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08 Sep 2012 14:54 #27904 by renegade
Replied by renegade on topic Where can we improve
I dont remember people helping and I know I didnt ask for help as its not needed in that game at all. And that last match could not of been any closer then it was we both had 1 worm left with 1 life as we hit the sudden death time limit as well. Was a very even matched round thats for sure.

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