gamingnews2Is everyone ready for some COD? Welcome to Wednesday everybody. Gaming News might be a bit long this week. Gonna do a preview of the COD:MW3 single player, we have the Midweek Madness sales on Steam ready for ya and a bunch of news at the end. Clean out the dust in your PC cause it’s game time, let’s go!

Written By: Skyler

Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

So this one was a bit tough. Over the years people have said that the COD series has worn itself out. It’s the same game just over and over. I would tend to disagree and here’s why. Each year we get a new one, weather it be Treyarch or Infinity Ward. I would say this a two different games entirely. One of them has been telling a story since COD4 came out and the other side seems to be trying new things along the way. The ones that I really want to play are on the Infinity Ward side. With the breakup over at Infinity Ward after COD: MW2 came out I had my doubts that Activision/Blizzard could pull this series together. Need not worry my friends, they have done a great job.

First off let me say this, if you could care less about the single player then just move on down to the next article cause this is not for you. I will be doing a review of the multi player here in a few weeks. With COD4 having been out for awhile most people have played it and enjoyed it. It was one of the few games that I would go back into and keep playing missions over and over. “Death From Above” is probably as I have said before one of the best missions in all of video games. I had really hoped that COD:MW3 returned to that once fabled ground and capture my heart like it did before. After playing through the single player yesterday I can say without a doubt that this ranks right up there with COD4.

With this being a trilogy you tend to forget some of the details about the previous games. What had happened, who shot who and how did it end. They do a great job of a quick refresh at the start of the game going back over the last two games and reminding you of what had happened. With that outta the way I was off and running.

The HUD in the game is pretty much the same as COD:MW2 so it should be pretty familiar to you. The controls are nice and tight just like your accustomed too. COD has really defined what proper controls should be like. They aren’t laggy like some other game and I am not picking on Battlefield 3 here at all. One game and one game alone comes into mind about horrid controls, yes, hello Killzone 2. Well, thank god that we don’t have to deal with any of those shenanigans here. No matter what mouse/keyboard setup your using, you’re going to be picking off head shots as if they were on sale.

The missions in the game are some of the best ones in the series. And when I say series I mean COD4, MW2 and MW3 just so there is no confusion. They pay homage to the first game along with some of the second. They also introduce some new gameplay mechanics and new guns as always. No matter what mission you are on, you will be whisked away to a far away country to take care of business. From deserts to underwater, towers to tunnels, the game has it all. I said I wouldn’t spoil anything for anyone so I will leave it at that. If you are wondering about a particular mission from COD4 and if they have redone it? You will have to play through and find out yourself.

The newer guns fit right in with the modern times, they don’t feel old as in from the 60’s or 70’s ala Black Ops. These are new guns that haven’t been seen before and they fit right in. The detail of the guns has also gone up. Now you sometimes see what the manufacture of the gun in on the side. I didn’t see this on all the guns but on others its clear as day. I am not a gun enthusiast so cut me some slack, lol. As in the other games you can CQB with certain guns and pick off long distance sniper shots with others. One of the best parts that they have added is the close range scope. Say you have a bad ass sniper rifle but you aren’t willing to drop it for another gun. No worries now, you can switch to the close range scope which is on the side of the gun and use that until you gain some open space, it’s really a nice addition to what has always been one of the biggest problems with the sniper rifles.

As for performance goes its on par with COD4. The only added video feature that I found was ambient acclousion. Other than that it’s the same menu system that has been around for the last couple of years. What I like most is that the game scales very well. No matter what kind of system you have you will have a great experience. Throughout the single player the framerate was way over 100. Most of the time it would sit right around 150fps, granted this is on a i7 2600k at 5Ghz and EVGA GTX 580 Classified but as with other COD games you don’t need a huge system to run it. I didn’t come across any texture pop in or any other weird video effects. The game ran nice and smooth throughout the campaign.

Overall I can’t give this game a score. That is not what I’m trying to do. You can read reviews anywhere on the net. I try and give opinion on how the game runs and what it has to offer. If you want reviews go to any of the thousand of review sites. I will say this though. The single player campaign is one of the best. It is easy to follow and makes sense. MW2 was way off the deep end, this is not. Sure, there are a bunch of action moments but nothing that is too far fetched. If you are a fan of the COD series and have liked the single player then you need to play this. It will answer a load of question and it may even have you asking some new ones.

MW3 1
New York everybody

MW3 2A castle? In COD?

MW3 3
Anyone need a map?

Just something weird I ran across in game

Midweek Madness

If you really want get your Military shooter on, then this is the week. All of the Arma games are on sale. I haven’t delved to deep into these but from what I have played and what I have seen they look like a boat load of fun. Remember as always, the Midweek Madness sales end on Thursday’s at 7pm EST.

Left Field

Left Field
X79 Motherboards have started to surface. Make sure and check back on the newest Asus Rampage IV board that Wes posted about.

WebOS seems like it’s in need of some dire help. Hopefully HP will stick to their guns and keep supporting it. Thanks to The Verge for the link.

Thanks everyone for the great phone OS debate over the last week. I think that we have opened up some member’s eyes about what their next phone should be

Do you own a Hybrid? If you do then don’t be like this lady, WARNING NSFW

Looks like we have a bunch of members waiting on their toes for Skyrim. Don’t worry everyone, it will be out soon, lol.

Orc’s Must Die! just received the Lost Adventures DLC. It is on sale for $2.99 until November 15th.

L.A. Noire is out today, You can pick it up now for $49.99.

Rage is on sale for $40.19 until Thursday at 7pm EST.

Batman Arkham City has been delayed another week It is now coming out on Nov 22.

PayPal has a new Android app that uses NFC for payments. Just sucks that the only thing that I use PayPal for is paying for LAN’s and games over Steam.

Firefox 8 is out now. Go download the update today. Always best to have the latest addition of a browser.

I hope you guys don’t kill me but I am waiting to see what the Galaxy Nexus release details. As of today Google is being very shy about any dates the phone will be available. I might just switch back to iOS at this point. No reason to sit around and wait for something. Hey Google, stop being so shy about your Nexus phones, people want details ASAP.

Well that is all for this week LanOC. Have a great week and enjoy some of the new games that have come out. November is going to be a busy month. Until next time,

Wingless is out!
Author Bio
Author: Wingless92

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garfi3ld's Avatar
garfi3ld replied the topic: #20823 09 Nov 2011 09:56
Wingless92's Avatar
Wingless92 replied the topic: #20824 09 Nov 2011 10:01
Little bit of a new format and a new logo, enjoy everyone.


In before lock
Nacelle's Avatar
Nacelle replied the topic: #20826 09 Nov 2011 16:45
You said you had an EVGA GTX 500 Classified in the article. I presume that it's a 580?
L0rdG1gabyt3's Avatar
L0rdG1gabyt3 replied the topic: #20829 09 Nov 2011 18:09
Nice Review. I liked the dancing chickens!

Perhaps Nov. 21st for the Nexus:
Myndmelt's Avatar
Myndmelt replied the topic: #20833 09 Nov 2011 18:32
+1 for the chicken video! :P
Wingless92's Avatar
Wingless92 replied the topic: #20834 09 Nov 2011 20:10

Nacelle wrote: You said you had an EVGA GTX 500 Classified in the article. I presume that it's a 580?

Yea,it's that new super secret card, lol. Fixed, thanks for the #correction.

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