Overall and Final Verdict

No matter how many levels or resources you hoard you never truly feel safe while playing Dead Island and I think that can be its ultimate compliment. At any moment a body you overlooked in the corner has a chance to suddenly come to life and attempt to eat your face. You find yourself passively looking over your shoulder from time to time and inching forward rather then running in guns blazing. The game does have its fair share of obvious and predictable jump scares to be sure but for every one there is also a healthy dose of tension building terror.

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Is it perfect? No. Dead Island is an ambitious undertaking and feels a bit rough around the edges at times. The story won’t win any awards for originality or vision and the sameness of some side quest NPCs and enemies can be grating at times. However, the overall rush of fighting a horde of enemies and coming out with just enough HP remaining to limp to your next goal is more than enough to have the game be enjoyable, and couple that with the fact you can have this experience seamlessly with three other friends at any moment and Dead Island is a game well worth your time.

DeadIsland 13

DeadIsland 24

DeadIsland fvrecomended

Author Bio
Author: William
Review and Event Staff
William is the newest addition to both the Review and Event staff. Being in charge of power, hopefully you have to see very little of him during our lans. Outside of lans he can be found engaging in his unhealthy obsession with all things gaming in between writing the odd review and bothering Wes at all hours of the day. An avid gamer nearly all his life, it is common for the latest MMO release to cause him to drop off the face of the Earth for a week or two.

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