Overall and Final Verdict

Last Light goes a long way to improve on Metro 2033 while still being very recognizable to fans of the first game. The graphics engine is the same and while having intensive requirements, does run a bit better on the whole then 2033. The environments and other recognizable elements have all returned to create an immersive world for established fans and new players alike. The story feels interesting without being too predictable and flows well from point to point while still giving you freedom to play. Monsters are distinct, powerful and force you to fight each in its own unique way.

MetroLL 25

Some sections feel a little too linear, however, and AI while not being incredibly bad still does seem stupid on the whole where human enemies are concerned. The voice acting, as I’ve said before, does feel a tad cheesy in some parts and while passing conversations may be helpful, stopping to listen to every one really stops the flow of the game while more than a few tell you perhaps a bit too much. The story is interesting and strong but does fall off during the later portions of the game which is a shame.

MetroLL 3

Metro: Last Light did not ship with a multiplayer mode to the disappointment of some and while there are rumors we may being seeing that functionality at a later date, nothing has been confirmed leaving us with a single player offering that does impress on the whole if a bit short. The linear style of the chapters does work in delivering a good story that anyone can understand and follow along. Last Light is well worth the pick up on Steam, Xbox 360 or PS3 for anyone and a must have for previous fans of the series.

fv MetroLL

Author Bio
Author: William
Review and Event Staff
William is the newest addition to both the Review and Event staff. Being in charge of power, hopefully you have to see very little of him during our lans. Outside of lans he can be found engaging in his unhealthy obsession with all things gaming in between writing the odd review and bothering Wes at all hours of the day. An avid gamer nearly all his life, it is common for the latest MMO release to cause him to drop off the face of the Earth for a week or two.

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Deb0's Avatar
Deb0 replied the topic: #31138 27 May 2013 20:54
You've seen it mentioned in our new video card reviews but is Metro: Last Light more then just a benchmark suite?
cytog64's Avatar
cytog64 replied the topic: #37918 13 May 2016 10:17
Metro 2033 and Last Light REDUX editions are on a steam sale this week for 4.99 each!!

I just purchased the bundle.

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