In-Game Benchmarks

Now we finally get into the in game performance and that is the main reason people pick up a new video card. To test things out I ran through our new benchmark suite that tests 12 games at three different resolutions (1080p, 1440p, and 4k). I also slipped in a few variations on the same games for comparisons like DX11 to DX12, OpenGL to Vulkan, and a couple of games are just tested at their highest setting and lower but still high detail options to show the performance difference when things are turned down slightly. In total, each video card is tested 54 times and that makes for a huge mess of graphs when you put them all together. To help with that I like to start off with these overall playability graphs that take all of the results and give an easier to read the result. I have one for each of the three resolutions and each is broken up into four FPS ranges. Under 30 FPS is considered unplayable, over 30 is playable but not ideal, over 60 is the sweet spot, and then over 120 FPS is for high refresh rate monitors. This covers all of the games tested except Final Fantasy XV that we have a score rather than an FPS because they like to be different.

So how did the EVGA GTX 1660 Ti XC Ultra perform? Well at 1080p it had three games in the 120+ range, 12 over 60 FPS, and just 2 in the 30-60 FPS window that you would want to teak settings slightly. At 1440p it did really well as well with 2 over 120 FPS, 10 over 60 FPS, and 5 over 30. You can see that performance is starting to drop in that range, but it is still playable you will just need to turn the settings down a little on 5 of those. Then at 4k 3 played smoothly at 60+, 11 were in the iffy 30-60 range and 3 were unplayable. Interestingly enough, if you compare these to the same graphs for the GTX 1660 Ti Ventus XS there is a big swing at 4k. The what 40 MHz was enough to move 3 games from under 30 to 30-60. One at 1440p moved as well. But that really just shows just how close a lot of games were to being in the next step up. Overall this just shows that the XC Ultra is a great card in the 1080p range and can handle 1440p but if you want ultra smooth 60 or 120 FPS performance you are going to need to turn the detail down a little from what we test at (which is the highest possible setting on a lot of the games).



graph29The big swing only makes me want to see what is going on in the actual game graphs more and I do have ALL of those below here. It is a lot of data to parse through but in there you will see a few interesting things. Like the XC Ultra jumping up over the Vega 64 at 1080p and above the GTX 1070 FE in Final Fantasy XV when the Ventus XS was a touch below those. For the most part, though the EVGA card edged out a VERY small lead over the MSI that I had already tested. I mean in some games it is fractions of an FPS. They do go back and forth though, there were still 7 tests that had the MSI ahead but that is out of 18 in total. Beyond that, stepping back and looking at the big picture the small differences weren’t enough to push the GTX 1660 Ti up above cards it didn’t already beat. So as expected in all but three games it outperformed the GTX 1070 FE which is a big deal, the GTX 1070 is a great card. The GTX 1060 that it is replacing and the RX590/580 aren’t really close at all.


















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