title4Corsair was the last meeting of the day for me on Wednesday. Meeting up with Robert the Technical Marketing guru over there he walked me through their booth at the Venetian. With only a couple of new things, but very good new things we got ourselves rolling. Read on to find out what's new with Corsair.

Written By: Skyler

Pictures By: Skyler

First off we started with their new keyboards and mice. The keyboard is looking great. It kind of reminds me of a PCB with the keys stuck onto it. I played around with it for awhile and it felt great. I am not sure if anything will ever make me leave my Logitech G510, but Corsair is really trying hard.


Moving over to the mice, Robert showed my how to configure the driver to my liking and it was as simple as a few mouse clicks, enter what you need and boom, done. It looked really simple and that's what the user wants, simplicity.


We then headed over to see the new cases from them, the 300R and the 550D. The 550D is a toned down 800D. A bit smaller, but still a well thoughtout case. With the wire management holes that put the 800D on the map it's nice to see even their cheaper cases still incorporating these. The included fan filters are really well thoughout along with the Corsair standard button release for the side panels. This is Corsair's first crack at the silent PC case market and it seems like it could have some potential. It's a great looking case also that doesn't scream "Look at me!"



The 300R on the other hand is Corsair's attempt to get the buyer that doesn't have the cash to get a high end case. The user still wants something that can be upgraded down the road and still hold the components that people want when the build a new PC. Big water coolers, big GPU's, lots of RAM and a couple of HDD's along with an SSD. This is by far one of the coolest cases that Corsair has come out with. The fact that they can fit this much value into a really cheap case is going to make people look again at Corsair's case line. Not only do they now have a case for the high end, mid range but now the the lower end also. Glad to see them getting all of the PC gamers/builders covered.


Also unveiled was the Corsair Accelerator Series of SSD's. These are meant to be added to a already running PC. Shut the computer down, plug this in, fire it back up and over time it will load in frequently used programs to the SSD. This will also help with boot times and over PC speed. I am not sure if these will catch on at all but with add on SSD caching a theme of CES 2012 it was nice to see Corsair adding their's to the mix.


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Author: Wingless92

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Wingless92 replied the topic: #22162 14 Jan 2012 11:17
Corsair is up!

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