Ever since the fantastic teaser trailer Ubisoft dropped in our laps from seemingly out of nowhere at E3 2012, the world has been waiting to get our collective hands on Watch_Dogs. Seven months removed from the financial and critical success of GTA5, (PC owners are still waiting) Ubisoft has seen fit to finally let us dive into the networked world of Chicago. The time for anticipation is over, join us as we take a look at Ubisoft’s new open world IP and see if all this hype was worth the wait or if we will be found wanting.

Game: Watch_Dogs

Published by: Ubisoft

Developed by: Ubisoft Montreal

Review Sample provided by: NVidia

Platforms: Xbox 360, Xbox One, Playstation 3, Playstation 4, WiiU, PC (Review Sample)

Genre: Open world, Action-adventure

Release Date: May 27th, 2014

MSRP: $59.99

Written by: Debo

Screenshots by: Debo

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Deb0 replied the topic: #34904 02 Jun 2014 21:56
Believe it or not, we still play games around here. Start your week off right with our review of Ubisoft's new open world IP Watch_Dogs.

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